Performance Enhancement

High performing individuals often face psychological blocks and obstacles that hinder their growth and success. Negative self-talk and high pressure tactics represent the performers' best efforts to overcome. However, trying to force it can make things worse. These barriers can be overcome, allowing you reach your full potential. The negative self-talk, while it creates problems, is there to help you stay safe from an experience that was difficult in the past. That's why forcing yourself to think positively doesn't really fix the in-the-moment freezes. We use EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to address these metal blocks and physical "yips". EMDR is a therapy that helps individuals process traumatic experiences and negative beliefs that may be holding them back. By identifying and addressing these deep-rooted issues, high achievers can break free from self-limiting patterns and reach higher levels. An additional approach includes research-based interventions using real-time feedback on somatic response to guided changes in cognitive and somatic activity. With HeartMath, clients are able to learn how to get "in the zone" or "establish flow" and do so reliably and easily when they desire. Additionally, other modalities are also utilized to provide a comprehensive and personalized approach to each individual's unique needs. Through this tailored therapy and coaching, high performing individuals can conquer their psychological blocks and achieve the success they desire.

This ideally consists of a focused EMDR Intensive addressing performance blocks, with an ongoing consultant relationship as needed going forward.

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snow mountain under stars

Certified EMDR Therapy

EMDR Therapy, also known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that aims to alleviate the distress caused by traumatic experiences. It utilizes a unique approach by incorporating rapid eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation to help individuals process and resolve their traumatic memories. During a reprocessing session, the therapist guides the client to focus on specific distressing memories while simultaneously engaging in bilateral stimulation. This process helps to activate the brain's natural healing mechanisms and facilitates the integration of the traumatic memories into a more adaptive and less distressing form. EMDR Therapy has shown promising results in treating various mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and phobias. It provides individuals with a safe and effective way to heal from past traumas and move forward towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. See the video below from the EMDR International Association for more information.

We are accepting a limited number of short-term clients for EMDR Therapy. Reach out here for more information or to get on a waiting list now.

EMDR is an evidence-based practice to treat a variety of mental health diagnoses. We are currently full for insurance clients. We can provide a superbill to help you be reimbursed by your insurance company, depending on your insurance benefit. Or you can consider engaging in an EMDR therapy Intensive course of treatment here or ask to be put on a waitlist here

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sun rays through white cumulus clouds